When Should I do an Oil Change? Written by Car Boy Auto Repair on May 18, 2018. Posted in Blog Oil changes. 5,000 km vs 8000 km vs 10,000km or even 25,000km, and everything else in-between. Which one is it? The only way to settle the age ole dispute is to consult your owner’s manual. The previous standard was every three months, or 5000 km, whichever milestone you reach first but newer vehicles might suggest an oil change at every 7500-8000 km under ideal conditions. However, if you tend to drive under severe driving conditions, such as: driving in stop-and-go traffic in hot weather, driving at low speeds for long distances, driving on debris-covered roads including dust, salt, mud, and sand, and towing/transporting heavy items with your vehicle – you might need an oil change sooner than the recommended. If you choose to forgo your oil change, especially while driving under severe conditions, your oil will get dirtier and dirtier. Dirty oil is thicker and abrasive, and can cause more wear to your engine. Given enough time, the parts in the engine will become too hot, causing the engine to run less efficiently and eventually, warping and wearing out the components. If you leave things as it is at this point for an extended period, your entire engine will ultimately need to be replaced. With that being said, oil in an engine is essential. It keeps things running smoothly and without it, the heat generated from metal-on-metal friction can cause some serious damage. Fortunately, changing your own oil is not as daunting as it may seem to be – a little messy maybe (if you’re new to it), but definitely DIY-able. Tags: oil change Car Boy Auto Repair We're a well-established mechanic shop in the heart of Richmond, BC, passionate about racing and keeping you safe on the road.